Poudre, Windsor, Great Western Trail +

53 miles of pretty dang flat riding from Fort Collins to Windsor, the Great Western Trail and more. This route utilizes a lot of the bike trail system from Fort Collins and into Windsor. The Great Western Trail was formerly a railroad used at the beginning of the 20th century. You can learn more about it here.

The Stats:

  • Distance: 54 miles

  • Paved: 80%

  • Climbing: 1600 feet

Notes: Careful at the intersections where the trail crosses a road. Even if you have the right-of-way, some drivers aren’t really paying attention.

Refills: You’ll pass a few parks and water fountains and you pass through Windsor.

Tires: The WTB Expanse will be super fun. Fast on the paved trails and plenty for the pretty benign crushed gravel on the Great Western Trail.


Lory, Horsetooth, Redstone Canyon